Monday, December 17, 2007

17 december..
about a week from my previous post.. and the story continue.....

9 dec..,,
she still remember that day,
that tragedy,
the incident, the sound, every movement at that particular place..
Still bearing in mind, the slap, tap, pak,prak sound.
the sound that make her mind keep pondering the same situation.

someone was crying.
theres two..
not really theres THREE, not including the one who was suffered.

there were 3 girls.. 2 was innocent..really innocent .. but there was a girl, pretend to defend her beloved. She screamed, she try to practic all what she had learn from her martial art defense teacher. Really ?


She just kicked all the way as she moved her leg. iyah.. and ouch. She don't even have time to think ,what next after this move and that move.
so..watcha !~

that tragedy end with horror.. with bl0od..
for the girl who bravely defence her beloved,..its end with great 4 slap..non-stop.
ouch!~ sure its pain..

make some ones day covered by black cloud.
and like stapled that tragedy on the girl minds..

automaticly.. the past 2 years... 5 previous year.. and when the girl was on her 7 years old's tragedies..
without any excuses..the girl cried in silence while her mind flashing back, one-by-one piece of the retro tragedies.

at last the girl set up back her minds.. Hate that person...
and when sombody asked her..
who thats person..? let it be her secrets.. no doubt.. secret till it open..

end of this story..


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. and with my hand i type...
    what a long blog...
    the longer,the better eh??
    who cares..
    nice though..

  3. thankx..
    the longer..will tell long and never end story..



i am typing...

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