Friday, January 16, 2009

:: hoping

:: what do you think is it ::

Today is a day,
that i dont know what to say,
neither in English, in Manglish
nor in Malay
and even in Jawa.

Today is a day,
that i just lock my rooms door,
but open the sliding door,
and jump on my bed,
to read a book,
written by Stephen Covey.

Today is a day,
where i go out to my backyard,
and shout ''whoooaa..''
( yup, i have make sure nobody there to see me )

Today is the day to remember,
to be pleasure, to feel it great,
it still be call 'yesterday' , tomorrow,

*Oh yea, im still alive,
still breathing,
still blinking,
still smiling,
and still hoping that..
i am di bawah payung rahmat-Mu, Ya Allah.

*should it be tag as poem?

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