Saturday, January 24, 2009

:: lesson that i learned today... ::

i am fine.
Thank you for those yg tanye2.

i just have no mood to updating this blog.

atfirst, i have no idea on about what today's entry, but thankx for my makcik~
she gave me the idea.
not really idea, but well still can be a post right?

allow me to some coversations by us on YM :

cikana : sapan ape pagi tadik
nonet : something sangat menjilat jari~
nonet : murtabak~ ahaha
nonet : sedap...
nonet : nyummy~
Cikana : aahah
Cikana : ye ke
Cikana : cis

Cikana : c ana gak tgh kelaparan
Cikana : huhuh
Cikana : terase nk buat donat la
Cikana : teringin
nonet : buat lar..
nonet : nway, reti ka?
nonet : ahaha
Cikana :
Cikana : dun u ever underestimate me ok
Cikana : wen u need to survive
Cikana : u can never believe wut u cn do
Cikana : ahhahah
nonet : okeh
nonet : thats lesson for today.

Yup, thats the lesson.
no.. not about the yummy murtabak and that delicious donut.

" When we need to survive, we never can believe on what
can we do. And sure~ , don't underestimate yourself. "

ahaha. (right click, choose select all, if u can't see)

thankx for your stay.

n thanks to my makcik :)


ahaha, yup!, believe yourself~
memang kite yang kene percaye kat diri sendiri, kan ? kalu x, sape lagi..

1 comment:

  1. I agree!!!we muzt not underestimate ourselves!! an extremely helpful lesson!hehehe


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