Wednesday, June 06, 2007

--Life is hard a..?-- (don't lie to your own heart..)

Don't lie to me by saying you never thought or think tht life is hard, uncomfortable and unfair at times and sometimes we think it’s just about more than we can stand. I openly admitted that life is as hard as we secretly know it is.

Sometimes our mindset are more inffluence our own spirit on life. so as well as think positively, I discover what a joy life can actually be.
When, sometimes I don’t feel like I measure up against the things life throws me. The depression and despair is the measurement it’s a good way to begin to work through it. Even in the darkest times, we can eventuallly found things tht we can laugh at.

Most of the time, i’m actually doing pretty good. Other times, I’m not doing good at all.
And I keep striving to be positive, accentuate the positive good things, while maybe i'm being embarassed that I’m not doing as well as I think I should be. When I look back and think back how i have struggle on, I can see how easy it is too.

Life is just life and that’s why we MUST keep going on…the little and big things will pass, will change. I have my moms and others relative tht always giving supports to me. When I remember that, I see how important it is for me to just go ahead and live !!

This is why it’s important for us to share our good times and our bad times with each other. Share how we get through the hard times to the other side and thts how my mom and i do..

Take back my mom's said,
'' the sliver of hope that is always with us even when we think we cannot find it.
The way is to take what is hard and let it help us grow and learn from it.
As long we are standing on the right path, let Qur'an and 'hadith' guide us to.''

The way is to accept that life is not an easy ride for anyone. The way is to laugh and share with each other how many ways it is hard to be human; and besides don't forget Allah, as we are His 'hamba'. We have our responsibilities on this earth as a little caliph, and believe the 'rukun islam' and 'rukun iman'.

I most propably think about this..
I’ve heard people say so many times, “Why?” , “Why Me?” and
I discovered long ago that the answer is “Why Not?”.
This is wht i will remind myself to keep me stand on..
everything tht i strunggle on this earth,are what God knows i can do.

edited from mydiary
ps/= this is the way i convetional myself. =)
Struggle on achieving flyings colours in UPSr, and PMR as on my stage,
its not that hard when i struggle on with my own feelings. Feeling being annoyed by my own family (tht supposed to be our closed relaives) is more hard to be. If i can easily forget others problems, i can't tht easy to just 'catch n go' the problem tht make me wrote the post above.

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