Friday, December 19, 2008

:: ehem..? forgive and forget ? ::

* responsible. .

is the heaviest burden to be carried by a human being..

heaviest ever

its easy to say

easier to complain

easier to judge

but once u r in dat position.

being the one who is responsible for sumthing.. its the hardest.

* i wonder

y cant ppl forgive others.

n i dun understand what did they mean by'...

"i forgive u..but i can never treat u the same as before.."

what the heck is dat..

* everybody speaks

no.1 is listening

n everybody tries to win

huh, i hate dat kind of situation.

* im confused....

im really confused..

shouldnt forgive n forget comes handing hand?

even the Prophet being most sacred, most sinless

(-->whom deserved to bearrogant) forgave His ummah ,

why cant us?

the ones wif full of dirt n mud in our heart,

to humbly forgive our brothers n sisters.

Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w; yang bermaksud : Mahukah aku memberitahu kamu suatu perkara

yang dengannya Allah akan memuliakan binaan (kedudukan seseorang)
dan mengangkatnya kepada beberapa darjat ketinggian.

Mereka menjawab : Ya! Wahai Rasulullah.

Baginda bersabda : Berlemah-lembutlah kamu terhadap orang jahil, maafkanlah orang yang

menzalimi kamu, hulurkanlah pemberian kepadaorang yang menahan pemberiannya kepadamu

dan sambunglah hubungan silaturahim terhadap orang yang memutuskannya terhadap



so, im confused, hey, stop feeling wierd or frust or angry to me..

actually, yesterday i kemas all my things, books from hostel and surprisingly im found this poem(poem isn't? )
in my sloopy handwritting on a piece of worn-foolscap paper.

But really, i can't even remember any details of it, when? why? and what makes me wrote this?
and well, as i've no idea to what i want to write today, i make it as a topic. (^ , ^'' )

feel free to comment on it~

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