Thursday, March 26, 2009

:: PPKSD ::

oh. thankx fee for asking.
Well, dah kebetulan ditanya, fath jadikan ia topiklah, okey?

Its about PPKSD. It is actually program under JPA. PPKSD. Ia adalah Program Pendedahan Kerjaya Sebagai Doktor (*er if im not mistaken. ) Yup, Thank God i'm shortlisted for the program.

However, the point is, those participated are those who think on pursuing their tertiary education on medicine. whether they going to take MD or MBBS. I'm sure all JPA students who applied for the medical scholarship would know they will be attending a week of career exposure program in a government hospital

(^.^'') Perhaps i'd recieve a tan of questions. and so far.....

''you gonna taking medic?''
''doesn't it you who want to take engineering?''
''does to be a doctor is your passion? Really? how come i don't know? ''
''Medicine? why?''
''doesn't you good on physics and addmath? Why medic?''

(*guys, oh plz don't asking more questions)
as i don't have the answers. and even, for some question, i don't know how to answer.
and yes, if i just smiling or sengehing without answering your questions, I'M sorry.

And that is the answer for those who asking me, ''why don't you tell others that you go for that programme?''
-It is not because i don't want to share and keep it secret. It is because i have no answer. please understand me.
thank you. =)

MOOD : di persimpangan

STATUS : hoping you pray for my success and let Allah open my heart and show my way. =)


  1. hehe :)
    pedulikan ape yg org lain kate klau itu mmg cite2 ko! go for it! jgn ragu2.better amik ape yg kite minat drpd xminat :D

    medic kan lebih kepade bio! physic and add math amatlah kurg diperlukan rite?

    gud luck!

  2. hiksss..
    nk comment gambo 2 senarnye..

    cm dlm poem,"the road not taken"

  3. to fee :
    tao2. its more on bio. tgkla kang. semuga Allah tunjukkn jalan.

    to mas :
    ko nih.. gamba yg attrct ko ek. haha.
    aah, gambar da road not taken. rindoo skola nye pasal. haha

  4. wey ko dpt x interview?
    kte interview kat putrajaya.
    takut gile wey :/


i am typing...

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