Tuesday, March 24, 2009

:: oh, i've my blog back ::

well. am i right? its almost a month from my last post. and im sorry for those who keep viewing my blog to know my stories. (* thank you yek. ^.^''. heh adeke yg nk bace?)

in between that gap. there were lot and lot tet.tet.tet to tell and share.
lot of tragedies, moments, feelings. =D

Even, i was full with eagerness to share and tell and pokpek about those moments, my blog envied me. (*eheh).

neither, you and i could read the entries that i wrote because it couldn't be posted.
and then, theres came a blog that not updated. =>

and at this moment, i officially say ''I'm back !!''.

-fath, in hospital putrajaya's library -

MOOD : macam2 rase.

STATUS : on my PPKSD by jpa.


  1. welcome back! :)

    cik kak haritu lupe nk tanye how's result?

    PPKSD tu ape wey?

  2. my result?
    alhamdulillah, tapi not really sastified with it.
    jdik segan nk ckap.
    thankx for asking.


i am typing...

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