Monday, August 03, 2009

:: Siapa nak !!?? ::

SIAPA NAK ENCIK TAGGIE yang panjang ini??

**How well do you know the last male you just texted?
- LIon. My Rotary youth mate. An adorable person and love to help people.

**Were you single on your last birthday?
- yup.

**What was the last movie you watched?
- Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen! haha.

**Do you have a reason to smile right now?
- yup.

**Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
- maybe. but just let the past be the past and move on~

**Who's the last person on your received calls list?
- My beloved MOM.

**Do you think your wasting your time on the person that you like?
- the person 'i like'? Well, if the question asked me on the person 'i love', than i have my answer.

**Is it okay to kiss people if yo're single?
- yup. the person who deserves.
(ps: i miss the moment of kissing2 during hari raya celebration.)

**It's 4 in the morning, your phone rings, who is it?
- nombor tak dikenali.

**Have you ever hugged a complete stranger?
- haha. yes once. its happened ACCIDENTLY okay~

**Does seeing couples in love make you mad?
- hurm.. (keep thinking...)

**Does someone love you?
- hope so.

**Do you wish that you were somewhere else right now?
- yup. anywhere as long as it is called SHOPPING COMPLEX~ =D (haha, gila keh pagi2 pukul 4 nih)

**Do you think there are certain circumstances where cheating is okay?
- er. (blank, SKIP! )

**Have you ever slept in a car?
- yup! but of course.not when im driving.

**Do you have any friends who's parents won't let them hang out with you?
- no.

**Are you okay with making a total fool of yourself ?
- sometimes.

**Have you ever fallen asleep texting?
- always. haha (ps: dah la balas lambat ciput, leh lak tetido.)

**Go forward or back a week?
- FORWARD of course.

**Closer with your siblings or cousins?
- im CLOSE to my CLOSEr relatives.

**Do you think you need to take anger management classes?
- anger? NO. ( do i need it guyz?)

**Your brother tells you he's in jail, what do you say?
- lalalala~ (haha..)

**If you were kicked out of your house who would you call?
- oh? never experienced dan tak mampu nak bayangkan.

**Do you trust anyone right now?
- only few

**Is there anyone you're really disappointed in?
- maybe.

**Has anyone upset you in the past week?
- nope!~

**Why aren't you in bed?
- its already 4'clock in morning.

**Are you afraid of change?
- it depends.

**What is life?
- life is like a beautiful melody, only the lyrics are messed up~. but all the time, life is an open secret.

**In the past week have you cried?
- nope.

**Where's your phone at?
- upstairs. in my room. besides the lampu tidor.

**Anyone on your top a virgin?
- ahah~.

**What are you listening to?
- Slowly Slow by Zain Bhika.

**Do you say hello daily?
- most said : assalamualaikum, salam, olla~ and hello.

**Last thing you said outloud?
- er. last thing?

**Is there someone you wish you were still close with?
- yup.

**Did someone make you smile lately?
- OBVIOUSLy yes!

**Do you get drunk every weekend?
- nope. i dont drink something that make me drunk.

**Are you in a good mood?
- YUP.

**Will you be in bed in twenty minutes?
- its morning. No good to sleep. haha

**What do you always carry with you?
- my ring and my watch.

**When you say you don't care do you mean it?
- "tak kesah...". sometimes, i meant it.

**Last text?
- to tYang~

**Are you mad at someone?
- SKIP. (don't know how to answer.) =O

**Do you have a piggy bank that's actually shaped like a pig?
- one bank only. Another bank,nope. (ps: im in shopping mood!! )

**Do you want to start over with someone?
- hope so. if i can.

**Could you cry right now?
- no. i've happy and cheerful 4weeks in a row. Hope it last longer.

**Do you have any older brother?
- abang angkat ade. They ARE my older brothers.

**Are you easy to get along with?
- people always told me so. but still depends to other.

**Will this weekend be good?
- hoping~

**Do you think anyone stalks you?
- ha. ha. ha.

**Does anyone have your heart?
- they have theirs, how could they have mine? <- TIRU-ed.

**How is your heart?
- alhamdulillah still beating. =)

**Whats bothering you?
- My decisions and what i bought during pc fair.

**Do you wish someone would call or text you?
- in this early morning? NO~


1. Beside ur lips,where is the favourite spot to get kissed?
- entah.

2. How did u feel when u woke up this morning?
- cergas! Saya mahu daki bukit kecik depan rumah.

3. Who was the last person / people you took photo with ?
- cik su. di DOME, KLCC.

4 . Would u consider urself spoiled ?
- spoiled?

5. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
- maybe.

6. Do you want someone to be dead?
- sometimes yes and sometimes no. jahat tak?

7. What does your last text message say?
- panjang.. tapi main point is Happy friendship day~

8. What are you thinking right now ?
- "pukul berapa ek azan subuh?"

9 . Do you want someone to be with you right now ?
- No.

10 .What was the time you went to bed last night ?
- 11.42malam

11 .Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now ?
- ini hadiah.

12 .Is someone on your mind right now?
- Yes.

TEN Lucky Person to do this quiz
miss SAMM
sis razifah
deq' ra
KAK mahirah
sis FauzAna
EXTRAs to : my followers yang willing nak buwat.

Who is no.2 having a relationship with ?
- hahaha.oh. ade lar. =)

Is no.3 a male or a female?
- a sweet female. manis2.

If no.7 and no.1 get together ,
- oh, saling tak mengenali.

What is no.1 studying about?
- sciencecomp!

When was the last time you chatted with them?
- 2days ago.

Is no.4 single?
- yup! xtawlah borang dah dikeluarkan ke belum. =P (kidding.)

Say something about no. 2.
- che'ngeq yg ngeq~?

What do you think about no.3 & no.5 being together?
- saling tak mengenali.

Describe no.9.
- hepi live the life with ms kopok lekor.

What will you do if no.6 and no.7 fight ?
- oh. saling tak mengenali~

Do you like 8?
- =)

How about 10?
- =) he is one of my blog follower.

SESUNGGUHNYA tag ini tidak WAJIB dibuat kalu tak mahu. Terpulang pada diri masing2 okeyh? Ada sebarang bantahan dan kritikan atau pandangan pada JawaPAN saya, sila LAH komen di KOMEN KUMINS.
Nama diLIST itu memang SUNGGUH lucky. Saju jam mahu siap.

=) haha.


  1. abang Yong.03 August, 2009

    **Your brother tells you he's in jail, what do you say?
    - lalalala~ (haha..)


  2. to ABANG YONG :

    seriously, x terfikir pun nanti sesape akan masuk jail.
    jadik jawab x serious soalan yang tuh.

    to mira :
    fath x taw ape tujuan mira kasik komen camtu.
    nway, kawan still remains kawan.
    ye x?

  3. to naim:
    pe mksud chakhelen?

  4. Salam Fath,

    Salam singgah. Rajin dok buat questionaire yerks.

    BTW, meh la datang site saya, promote blog nie yerks ^^

  5. cakhelen?
    cakhelen tu ngoddoouuff

  6. sowy la k.cik...
    x sompat nk jwb pnjg2 ni...
    nnt kalo de mse yg pnjg...hehe
    wish me sehat kmbali!!

  7. TO Malaysian Blogosphere :

    Terimakasih singgah.
    nway, insyaAllah akan di promot.
    saya buat link ajelah dari blog saya. =)

    TO naim :
    haha. ngoddoouuff lak ape?
    siyes, x taw.

    TO syara :
    oh yek.
    no hal lar.
    awal2 sudah dikate, x wajib. just nak penuhi syarat. hee.

  8. hee..
    sangop ko wat eh..

  9. to mero :
    tgh rajin time tuh.

    tapi pasnih, kalu pnjang jgn kasik lg ea.


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