Thursday, May 13, 2010

:: hereby, i randomly say ::

Knocking ego off the door, I am highly aware that this post stimulated me.

It was a long time ago...
When i expected every man was like that.
The one who say to his lady, she is pretty rather than hot and dummy.
The one can bring us to the right path as Allah's slaves instead of blaming and knocking behind.
The one who never say to his lady's back but face to face, confront to tell the lady's wrong.
And i once wished to be that lady.

Well, that wish stopped when i wished to stop that wish.
It was after i knew how the world was really rotating,
then, I relearned that a kind of man i wished been specifically 99.99% impossible to reach.
Specifically 0.01% was the pearl in the deepest sea.
Just the one would get that one.

taken here : flickr

i don’t blame my parents on teaching me to be very good to others as they will be very good to you.
i never blame them by not showing that the world can be wild.
What shall i do is to say thank you,
Thank You for giving me a chance to wish that wish.
The wish I’d already changed. even only a chance.

Now my wish is to be a lady that strong, responsible and can stand by my own.
as I know, Allah always there to hold my back, to hear my tears and prays, and to talk to me by the Quran.
I hope to be a true muslimah, which makes others happy.
I hope i am a daughter that makes my parents proud of me.
And i hope I’m one of the well-being caliphs who own hands that guide the world with true Islam. amin.

-(po : 6.46am, 10thMei10, home in district10th)

ps/ for those who are reading this craps till the end, just let your heart know this lady neither in love nor desperately need love. lol. it just one of her random thoughts.


  1. Lim Billy14 May, 2010

    thanks for this masterpiece.
    you are good in expressing the emotions through words even not your mother tongue.
    have fun matching words.
    can i use for my club's pamphlet?

    personally : although you early says it is just a random say. i believe theres at least a story that you hides from the world.

    gL in life.
    -limbilly ( USA High School Poet's Club)

  2. Anonymous24 May, 2010

    Very nice post :))


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