I know i'm not supposed to write, i'm not even supposed to open my laptop. Exams are still on the way and going to be 4 more papers to sit.
Hurm, have two more Quranic exams to finish Juzuk Thirty, take one Arabic exam on grammar, oral test on Arabic speaking and i'm done. That's all. So, why I’m so stress out? Guess, i don't study hard. No. Not hard enough. =.=”
Hurm, have two more Quranic exams to finish Juzuk Thirty, take one Arabic exam on grammar, oral test on Arabic speaking and i'm done. That's all. So, why I’m so stress out? Guess, i don't study hard. No. Not hard enough. =.=”

At the same time, life's playing really hard on me nowadays. Need to do some reflection. I open some blogs and hey, i found one, it's a sister's blog. I bookmarked her blog, make a reminder in my mind to link her's to mine. See. I'm busy updating my blog too. Haha. Kidding.
I felt really sorry. Sorry to those who support me for staying study smart and striving my dreams. Sorry. And thank you guys for remains there and keep holding my back.
*sigh. I guessed I lost my ability to manage my problems and I lost my path. Well, my life seems complicated from the beginning-beginning, so it doesn’t matter how big the problems before, I am acting cool. =) so, why don’t I act the same for this problem? Its just the same problem that continue from the past after all.
“Oh Ya Allah, please guide her to lead her life to the fullest in Iman.” Amin.,
I need to focus, I need to realize, and i know there's still time, it's not too late yet. So, what i'm hesitating now?
Ps/= mom, didi, ummu, n samm. If you are there reading this. Please say ‘take your time crying my dear’ just after you see me. Cause I really miss my tears. It is not a good life without tears. –from 1year9monthes observation, so far_
To aie. Hey, I don’t need you to say that to me. Just cheering back your life and it will automatically cheer my life. No doubt! =)