I dreamt,
I think,
that you turned towards me,
like an Angel,
and then you disappeared.
Alhamdulillah and thank you Allah,
for sending a person like him,
May Allah bless him,
and belong him to syurga
“Wahai anakku! Kalaulah wasiat ini untuk kesempurnaan adabmu, aku percaya kau telah mewarisi segala-galanya, tetapi ia sebagai peringatan u...
ReplyDeleteThankyou for your comment a while back.. and I am sorry I did not reply sooner.
Yes these are the same photos and "futurewhispering" was my old blog, but I lost my password to be able to access it so colors is my new blog.
I am very passionate about photography and it is my art so always I am posting new photos to my site.. Thanks again for your comment and I hope to keep in contact with you.
Niko xxx