Thursday, April 02, 2009

:: to the interview!~ ::

i repost from my buletin, shared by syaq. OH thank you syaq. thank you, thank you and thank you!

Maybe she watched the 'bersama dato' ' show. maybe. (i don't say propably), because she stated there, it was by Dato Fadzilah Kamsah.

here they come...

waktu menunggu nama dipanggil, waktu menunggu giliran... bacelah

1. al fatihah ( ibu segala doa )

2. ayat kursi ( utk menghalau syaitan yg bole menggngu tumpuan )

3. ayat seribu dinar ( supaya murah rezeki means soaln korg insyaallah
sng2 n korg bole jwb dgn bek )

than, bila nama dipanggil, sblom masuk bilik interview tuh bacelah tige name Allah ini berulang-ulang dan hembus di muka pintu iaitu

4. Nama Allah
- Ya Aziz
- Ya Jabbar
- Ya Mutakabbir

than this, fath yang tambah..

*COOL down,
dont COLD down.

i mean kalu dah cuak tuh, mana nak ingat ape2. agree not?

good luck guys, and May Allah bless. (same goes to me.. oh. sungguh g.e.m.e.n.t.a.r.. :D)

MOOD : wacky, wacky


  1. fath gud luck yeah!

    thanks for posting tips bernas ini. sangat2 dihargai sbb den also shaking gile cuz mine is tmoro :|

  2. btol2..tuh...
    msti cuak kn....
    yang pasti jgn tnjukkn muka cuak tuh...hehe

  3. to fee:
    ohow. thanks for reading. tapi sekarang mesti dah beres. Keep berdoa n time for bertawakal.

    to arascream:
    thanks for visiting. beres!~


i am typing...

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