Wednesday, February 10, 2010

i am sorry. life seems to....

With the name of Allah, allow me to begin my entry.

I am sorry. Life seems to be hectic. Thanks a lot to my tinggi-friend deq ra, che ngeq n didi. They really make me realizes that, i need to satisfy at least something in this wholesome life.

''Ujian hidup adalah guru yang sentiasa mendidik. Kecil atau besarnya ujian itu Qada dan qAdar. Janganlah dipinta untuk kecilkan ujian, tapi mintalah dibesarkan iman menghadapinya''.

Bercakap tentang ujian, merujuk sama seperti kita bercakap mengenai kehidupan. Ujian itu sebahagian dari kehidupan, singkatnya.
Here, comes to talk on philosophy of life within my opinion and view.

Life is like a cherry when you eat. Once you bite, you fill the chill and the sweetness reflected through your taste bud. But next 30seconds, we all just expressed it just the same with another other fruit we'd eat.

Life is sometimes like a pop quiz tekan-tekan, with prizes sometimes for the imprudent, and blanks so often to the wise.
Life is like a box of chocolates. Varieties of shape and figure and pathway, which you need to choose. Pick one. Then, slowly put on your tongue, let it melt, and feel the aura behind it. Besides constantly aware that only the best choice is picked, and the unlucky left lonely behind.

Life is like a coin. You can spend in whatever way you wish, but you only spend it once.

Life shall be an open secret. Every second of it, we learn new adventures, lessons and paradigms. Doesn’t not life is actually amazing? As what Zalina Ibrahim really quoting the conclusion on what she shared inside her book.ITS still fulls of secrets even how deep we dig to treasure it. There are also exist the moments to remember and to regret.

and abundant with treasures.
Life is what we make it, always has been, and always will be.

Allah does promise a life for his believer. Only, the current life is the pathway to the life that full with glory, and pure happiness. It is absolutely, the life hereafter.

simply, the purpose of life is to live with purpose. am i right? When rethink about it, I actually hope and pray that i will be
  • the amanah khalif of the world,
  • the part of community that has never-ending brotherhood bond,
  • the choosen one to meet Him and Prophet.
  • The child that make my parent crying happily or even a truly satisfied smile.
  • And yet to be the solehah child whom her prays to her parents are everlasting even death come apart.

How about your purpose on living the life?
Ya Allah, please guide us to the right path. amin.


  1. Amin!akak?are you a teacher now?!0.o
    aiss,thanks for wishing~

  2. no dear.
    im not anymore a teacher.
    someday i will again.
    i miss the moment to cooperate with young fellows.
    =_) still, im a student back again.

    its my pleasure to wish u birthday,
    as if it is only i can afford to do skang nih.

    hey. good luck on your study.
    i know you can do it.
    believe yourself aleen.


i am typing...

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